August News

Hello Shed Fans.   I’m happy to announce that HiTen has now implemented Automated Engineering with our ACT shed design and order management software. This was a big milestone for HiTen.  Automated engineering gives our distributors the ability to obtain full-engineering documents for council in just five minutes!. HiTen distributors can now design and price…

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July Update

Hello shed fans! We’ve taken another big step forward this month with the the implementation of mezzanines and automated shed engineering in our ACT shed design and order management software.  You can now instantly access signed engineering documentation for council requirements on shed designs with no error warnings. We have placed some size and geometric…

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June update

Hello Shed Fans! This month HiTen completed and tested some great functionality to add to our ACT shed design and order management software. I would like to thank our shed distributors for helping us through this testing period and providing the necessary feedback and recommendations that has brought us to this point. Some of the…

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May Update

Hello Shed Fans. Today I thought I would share a little success story with you. I had a great discussion with a new distributor located in NSW.  He has been in business for 21 years selling and buildings sheds.  When I asked him what has made him so successful in this industry?  He said, nobody…

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